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B750L structure steel for cold forming, vessel plate mill

B750L structure steel for cold forming, vessel plate mill

The use of low carbon steel is limited due to its low strength. The strength of the carbon steel can be greatly improved by properly increasing the manganese content in the B750L structure steel for cold forming carbon steel and adding some alloy element

B750L structure steel for cold forming, vessel plate mill

The use of low carbon steel is limited due to its low strength. The strength of the carbon steel can be greatly improved by properly increasing the manganese content in the B750L structure steel for cold forming carbon steel and adding some alloy elements such as vanadium, titanium and niobium. If the carbon content in the carbon steel is reduced and a small amount of aluminum, boron and carbide forming elements are added, the ultra-low carbon bainite can be obtained, B750L structure steel for cold forming which has high strength and good plasticity and toughness.

B750L structure steel for cold forming 2020 stock in Shanghai: 25*1600*9300, 23.1*2590*7790, 25*1600*9300, 25*1600*9500, 14*1950*10800, 25*1600*9500, 20*1400*11400, 30*1600*8600, 30*2000*10200, 14*1950*10950, 25*1600*9300, 30*1600*8600, 9*2300*6870, 35*2500*9000, 9*2300*6870, 25*1600*9500, 9*2300*6870, 6*2000*10000, 20*1640*11250, 70*2270*7900, 6*2000*10000, 30*1600*8600.

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