Italy customer purchase 7900 ton S355MC engineering car steel coil from BBN
40CrMo alloy structural steel specification Grade: 40CrMoStandard: GB/T 3077-1988Mechanical properties:Tensile strength σb (MPa): ≥1080 (110)Yield strength σs (MPa): ≥930 (95)Elongation rate δ5 (%): ≥12Se
40CrMo alloy structural steel specification Grade: 40CrMoStandard: GB/T 3077-1988Mechanical properties:Tensile strength σb (MPa): ≥1080 (110)Yield strength σs (MPa): ≥930 (95)Elongation rate δ5 (%): ≥12Section shrinkage ψ (%): ≥45Impact energy Akv (J): ≥63Impact toughness value αkv (J / cm2): ≥78 (8)Hardness: ≤ 217HBSample size: Sample blank size is 25mm
"In year 2014, we participate Bangladesh national railway tender for steel plate making train carriage. We finally got the order 1000 tons and it took us 40 days to produce all the plates. The client gave very high comments to our service and S355MC engineering car steel coil product quality.In year 2015, we won another tender for 1200 tons B480GNQR steel coils in Bangladesh, which you can find in the steel coil part."
We guarantee to provide all technical data required by users within one hour to provide reasonable quotation; to provide S355MC engineering car steel coil reasonable quotation for products consulted by users within one hour; to provide investigation reception: we guarantee to receive the investigation of users at any time and provide various convenient conditions for users.
For ASTM A573 Grade 70/A573 Gr.70 carbon manganese silicon steel plates, our company would issue the original mill test certificate S355MC engineering car steel coil EN 10204 3.1 for clients when arrange delivery, so that clients can trace the A573 Gr.70 plates origin easily.
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