S500MC price top manufacturer in New Delhi
Since it was established in 2000. Based on the domestic rich S500MC price product resources and the great steel demand of the international market, our S500MC price service has already spread many countries in Europe , America, Southeast Asia, Middle East

Since it was established in 2000. Based on the domestic rich S500MC price product resources and the great steel demand of the international market, our S500MC price service has already spread many countries in Europe , America, Southeast Asia, Middle East, South America, Africa, etc, and we have won an outstanding reputation for its professional exporting steel products
The difference between application of 20# steel and Q345 steel. 20# steel is mainly used for making parts, which can be heat treated; Q345 steel is mainly used for making engineering structural parts, which is usually not heat treated. Q345 steel does not emphasize the composition, but its yield strength must be above 345mpa. Because the composition S500MC price is not fixed, Q345 steel is difficult to heat treatment (the temperature and time control of heat treatment are related to the composition, and different components use different processes).
In January 2019, one of our Vietnam customer purchased 395.62 tonsQ345B steel plateS500MC price for their construction project, we prepared all the goods ready within 5 days, and supplied the goods with painting sand blasting to SA2.5 S500MC price and priming gray oxide primer, and arrange shipment in time. Meet the customer urgent delivery request.
The company attaches great importance to logistics services, sets up our own transport truck fleet, improves customer response capacity through the improvement of logistics capacity, and further reduces costs. Customers ordering S500MC price steel from our company can not only enjoy the service of fast delivery, but also enjoy lower transportation costs. Fast, accurate, simple and efficient has always been our principle.
Our company regularly visits customers, consults and follows up the after-sales service, and directly solves problems for customers. In the use of our steel materials, whether quality problems or not, the after-sales will help solve the problem as soon as possible. We promise free life-long replacement for any product quality problems. The sound after-sales service system make you free from worries.
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